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Underinflated tyre likely to have been the cause of fatal crash

On 02/08/2019 At 1:44 am

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AN inquest at Oxford Coroner’s Court on Wednesday heard how 21 year-old Ben Folley from Chinnor, lost his life when the Black Mini Cooper he was driving, veered onto the wrong side of the road on a bend on the B4445 Chinnor Road, and collided with an on-coming car. A woman travelling in the back of  the other car with her grandson, also died.

Ben Folley

Brian Evans, the husband of the  deceased woman, Deputy Headteacher, Jill Evans from Malvern, described how, from the front seat of their VW Golf where he was a passenger, he became aware of a small car coming towards their vehicle, on the wrong side of the road about 50 yards away, just before impact.

A black box in the Mini recorded Ben driving at a safe 58mph, and the other car was thought to be travelling at a similar speed. Statements from forensic vehicle examiners detailed to the court that the VW had no defects but that in examining the Mini Cooper, investigators found the rear nearside tyre was underinflated prior to the crash.

Forensic collision investigator James Henderson said further examination found that the tyre was “severely under inflated” at the time of the crash, and was likely to have been driven in that condition for “a significant distance”.

Ben’s father, Martyn said in court that his wife, an experienced driver, had driven the car in the days before the crash and had not noticed any issues with the tyre pressure.

An internal indicator designed to make drivers aware of potential flat tyres had not been lit. Mr Folley said that had his son seen such an alert he would have dealt with it immediately or asked a member of his family to do so.

When Ben Folley, who was found to have no alcohol or drugs in his system, went to navigate the bend this would likely have led him to lose control, investigators said.

The cause of death for both crash victims was multiple injuries caused by a road traffic collision.

Reading aloud in the court, Ben’s mother Sarah said the family were ‘totally devastated’ and said her son “wasn’t a speeder, drinker or risk taker. He was a calm gentle boy,” she said.

“He was a bookworm, a quiet lad, he wasn’t a drinker, he loved his family. He was very sensible, and was a worrier. If he thought anything was wrong [with the car] he would have asked for help.”

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