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Decorate your bike and join Thame’s Pedaling Picnic

On 07/08/2019 At 10:41 pm

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THIS year’s Global Car Free Day, a now annual event held in towns and cities all over the world, is to be supported by Thame Town Council, with a Community Pedaling Picnic to be held at Southern Road Recreation ground.

The event is being organised by Cllr Sonja Francis who explained: “The idea is that we hold a decorated bicycle ride for all ages from Montesson Square, through the town,  to the Southern Road Rec. culminating there in a parade of the bikes and the Mayor of Thame, Ann Midwinter, judging the best decorated entry. This will be followed by a picnic with everyone bringing their own food and drink (no alcohol please as we want this to be a family event). Those taking part will be very welcome to bring along cricket bats, tennis rackets, rounders balls etc if they wanted to play games.

“Everyone else – excluding those who are disabled, who will be permitted to park their vehicles in the Southern Road car park – can walk, skate board or roller skate because the idea of course, is to leave the car at home!”

To ensure that there is enough support for the idea, please register your interest, including the number of bikes in your group or family, by emailing:

So, what is Global Car Free Day?

World Car Free Day is an event that is held on 22nd of September each year in towns and cities all over the world. The aim is to encourage people to spend a day without driving their cars for the sake of the environment. As we all know, cars produce compounds that harm our environment and so, we can make a contribution to reducing their impact if we all spend even just one day without using our cars. Various events are organized in different countries in light of the celebration of this event.

More information here:

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