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Thame centre steam car wash rejected

On 09/08/2019 At 8:07 pm

Category : Missed a ThameNews story?, More News, Thame news

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THAME Town Council has refused permission for a mobile Steam Car Wash, which was to be based in the Upper High Street Car Park, where the kebab van is.

After questioning the man who wanted to run the Steam Car Wash, Mr Mikos, councillors agreed that the Upper High Street Car Park was not an appropriate location for a Steam Car Wash, feeling that it was not practical to move machinery around the car park and between vehicles, and that there was potential for other parked vehicles to be damaged. It was also felt that, Although the operation would generate an income stream for the council, permitting such an operation, would set a precedent for other schemes.

It was suggested there may be more appropriate locations in the town, e.g. the Cattle Market site.

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