07/-4/10….Thame’s MP fears charity shops may fall silent
THAME’S Member of Parliament, John Howell, fears that charity shops in may fall silent as a new law about playing music in shops came into force on April 1.
John Howell MP says that local charity shops face the choice of not playing music in the shop or paying a fee.
“The charge applies even where the music played is in the back of the charity shop and is just for the benefit of volunteers,” explained John. “It will also hit charity events such as community drop-in sessions or a carers’ association playing music to entertain children. Major charity chains such as Oxfam will have to pay a charge for each shop which plays music.”
John raised the new charge in Parliament on behalf of local charities and voluntary organisations during recent questions to Minister of State, Angela Smith MP, at the Cabinet Office. He told the minister, he said: “…. it hypocritical for the Government to claim that it has developed an environment that encourages charities to thrive when they are now saddling them with a cost which across the UK is likely to amount to