01/06/10…..Residents want a say in Thame’s future development
THAME’S MP met with leaders of local Thame residents? groups on Saturday, 29/05/10, to discuss the decision of the district council to postpone its Core Strategy ? the document which sets out details of housing development in the district ? until the new Government introduces fundamental reforms to the planning system later in the year.
In a statement today, John Howell MP, whose planning policy paper, Open Source Planning, underpins the principles of the proposed reforms, outlined the change which would occur whereby centrally imposed targets would be replaced by a bottom-up approach involving local councils and local communities in deciding the numbers of new homes best suited to their locations.
John said: “Thame now has a unique opportunity. It needs to draw a line under the past and begin serious work on its own vision for the town for the years ahead. While there is a lot of information available, it needs to recognise that this work needs to be done to a high professional standard. It is essential that the town pulls all this together and that it sits down with the district council in a collaborative way now that the council is freed from having to impose the Government?s housing numbers. What we don?t want is to be facing similar confrontation down the line when the new planning system is in place.”
The group, represented by Lea Park, Chiltern Vale and other housing estates within Thame, discussed the need to push for the production of an Area Action Plan for the town which would look at Thame?s needs as a whole rather than just housing. This could accommodate long-standing issues such as parking and the need for improved physical and social infrastructure.
The group will now take its case to the town council for a professional steering group to take the town?s own plan forward to include the town council, local residents and other groups such as 21st Century Thame.
John Howell concluded: “In the recent SayNoto850 campaign, residents had been fighting the South East Plan, for another 850 houses to be built in Thame in the next 15 years. Now they can concentrate on working with the local district and town council to develop the services, housing and businesses to support a thriving market town.”