05/01/11…………Thame news review of 2010
AS we leave 2010 behind and wonder what 2011 holds for Thame, we look back at the highs and the lows of the main news events of the past year.
The year 2010 began on a very sad note, with the death of popular Thame teacher, Ellie Bongers after the car she was travelling in was involved in a collision on Christmas Eve. Her toddler son, who was seriously injured in the crash, survived for several months but died in May.
In Thame, on a very cold day on January 3, 2010, there was a mixture of laughter and tears when street entertainers, music and a helium balloon launch celebrated the lives of all the town?s young people who had died in tragic circumstances, and a special garden of remembrance was dedicated to them in the Memorial Gardens in the Upper High Street. Funds continue to be raised for a memorial structure, the latest effort, a Christmas party at The James Figg, raised over