Community-led Renewable Energy projects
On 10/11/2020 At 5:46 pm
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CHINNOR and Thame Friends of the Earth will be hosting a presentation by the Oxford Low Carbon Hub and Ethex at a Zoom Meeting on Thursday, November 19, at 7.30pm.
The Low Carbon Hub will talk about how they are pioneering the development of community-owned renewable energy across Oxfordshire, and how they have raised more than £5 million from over 1,000 people investing via their community share offers, to support the development of a portfolio of 44 renewable energy projects, including solar panels on schools and village halls, Sandford Hydro and other energy efficiency projects. This may be of particular interest to school govenors.
If you are passionate about fighting Climate Change and have money you wish to invest, The Oxford Low Carbon Hub can provide help and advice.
They can also provide help and support to assist you in improving energy efficiency in your home, through Cosy Homes Oxfordshire. Cosy Homes is a home eco-retrofit project aiming to make homes across Oxfordshire more energy efficient – reducing their energy use and at the same time improving the comfort and health of residents. For more information, visit their website.
We welcome you all to join the meeting and hear about these exciting projects, and how we can gain ideas and support for our own community’s renewable energy as well as energy efficiency aspirations.
SOURCE: Contributed – Chinnor and Thame Friends of The Earth (FOE)
Zoom details:
Topic: Friends of the Earth Zoom Meeting
Thursday, November 19, 2020 Low Carbon Hub and Ethex
Time: Nov 19, 2020 07:00 PM London (meeting starts 7.30 pm)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 519 140 2424