Farewell from Thame.net after 17 years

REGRETFULLY, the decision has been made to the effect that Thame.Net will not be updated after tomorrow, Friday, November 13, 2020.
After 17 years, I have decided to fully retire from work, and live life away from a keyboard and the increasingly difficult challenge of metaphorically ‘spinning plates in the air’. Since becoming a town councillor (which I shall remain doing for the time being), and more recently dealing with extra family responsibilities and the on-going illness of a family member, I have not had the capacity to give Thame.net the attention it and our loyal subscribers have deserved.
I have tried to find someone else to take over the website but have been unable to find anyone suitable to date. (If, in the future, anyone who lives and loves Thame, and has an interest in taking on the honour of recording events and local news as it happens in our community, they are very welcome to get in touch via email: roxienews@gmail.com )
On the positive side, Thamenews net, our Facebook page, will continue to be a conduit for posting and sharing news relevant to Thame, and promoting our town, as will our twitter page, @ThameNews so do follow those pages.
The historical archive of all Thame news posted on the website since 2003, will remain available to anyone researching previous news stories, via the news archive link on the home page, or by contacting me via email: roxienews@mail.com
I would like to express my gratitude to all the subscribers, organisations, advertisers and supporters who have contributed in any way to Thame.net, for their loyalty and friendship over the past 17 years – and including those (you know who you are!) who have quickly picked up my typos and my spelling and punctuation mistakes (yes you too!) over the years – my community sub-editors!
Thank you and best wishes to you all.
Editor: Sonja Francis
Thank you Sonia
You have been a great help and a credit to Thame businesses over the years hope to see you soon Frazer
Thank you Anita. I hope to see you along the Phoenix Trail sometime! X
Such kind words Ken! Thank you. I’m looking forward to a new adventure!! May be we will see you at a planning meeting before long. No doubt you will have a view on the proposed new Health hub under discussion!
Sad news for Thame but sounds a good lifestyle choice for you and your family. Thank you for all you have done for the town. If I ever attend the Planning Committee it will be strange to see you on the other side of the desk! Enjoy retirement – you have earned it.
Very best wishes,
Good luck Sonja,
We will miss you.
With Best Wishes from Anita & Gary.
Thank you for those very kind words Elaine and Alan. You have both been loyal supporters, particularly Alan who designed our very first, beautiful logo!
Wishing you all the best in your retirement – but it seems there islots of other activities to keep you busy. Thank you for keeping the residents of Thame informed over the years. You will be missed.