26/04/13….Vote ‘No’ for the Nighbourhood Plan says developer
DEAR Editor, Hallam Land Management ltd (HLM) represents landowners to the east of Thame, south of Kingsey Road, and we have been closely involved with the Neighbourhood Plan process. Our proposal for East Thame was, and is, a scheme that delivers 400 dwellings, a 210-place community primary school, a new employment area, a GP Surgery, a community hall and associated community infrastructure. A balanced scheme meeting the needs of the community.
Our key concern with the Thame Neighbourhood Plan relates to ensuring that adequate infrastructure and community services are provided alongside the dispersed housing sites proposed in the plan; a concern echoed by consultees and local residents in Thame. Whilst the Inspector concluded that the Plan met the ?Basic Conditions? laid down by Central Government, there was no thorough investigation by the Inspector at the Examination into infrastructure and how it would be delivered. We think the Plan is sadly lacking in this area. The current delivery strategy is not clear and robust, and it is entirely possible as a consequence that housing might come forward without necessary infrastructure if the plan is approved at the Referendum on May 2nd.
If, like us, the residents of the town have concerns regarding the adequacy of the strategy for future infrastructure provision; a concern that primary schools, doctors? surgeries and roads should not be allowed to go ?over capacity’, then it is our view that a ?No? vote should be cast at the Referendum, allowing a re-consideration of the sites, with an emphasis on infrastructure delivery associated with housing growth.
Yours Faithfully
Nick Duckworth
Hallam Land Management