14/08/12….?Clicks and Mortar? business events launched (Contributed)
HOW do ?real world? companies compete with low cost, low overhead internet businesses like Amazon? A new series of events sponsored by Oxfordshire Business First and Bicester Vision will bring together the experiences and knowledge from Oxfordshire business people who are doing just that.
Called ‘Clicks and Mortar’, the events will focus on the issues and opportunities available to business people who want to use Internet resources more effectively to grow their businesses.
The events follow on from the ?Practical Innovation? series that was held during the first half of 2012 in venues across the county. At those meetings, web-based companies were consistently referred to as examples of innovative thinking and ?game changing? ideas.
The events also revealed that local companies ? from recruitment firms to hotels ? were using web-based tools to grow their businesses faster than and more effectively than they had before.
According to Oxfordshire Business First Chairman Frank Nigriello, the enthusiasm and imagination of the business people at those events has sparked the ideas for Clicks and Mortar.
?We met people who were attributing