The gaming industry is now worth more than the film and music industries combined and as a result, has opened up a whole new world of opportunities in terms of careers. What’s even more exciting about this is that a trailblazing company at the forefront of opening up these opportunities is now based in Thame – FUZE Technologies Ltd!
Teaching digital skills with a difference
The FUZE centre, owned by FUZE Technologies Ltd, specialises in teaching coding and digital skills, in the context of gaming, to people of all ages and abilities.
The FUZE centre includes a dedicated learning centre that hosts workshops, school holiday activities and other events that focus on teaching these fun and career-opening digital skills.
FUZE teaches real coding using game video game mechanics and as such see a very high level of engagement.
Building and playing games can help children and adults alike improve in areas such as
- Brain training
- Confidence
- Social skills
- Hand-eye coordination
- Logic
- Fast decision making
- Strategic thinking
- Memory
Opportunities for children and adults affected by ASD
Although FUZE teaches people of any age, CEO Jon Silvera is putting a large emphasis on teaching children aged 7-14 having seen the big difference this type of learning and development has on that age group.
Jon, with personal experience at home and in the workplace of children and adults with ASD, has seen what a difference this type of learning can make. Jon has witnessed some wonderful success stories where careers have been forged after traditional means of learning have struggled to make a lasting positive impact, spark enthusiasm or open up opportunities.
For children between 7 and 14, especially those with ASD, it’s important to find something in life that gives you that feeling of ‘wow, I can do this and do it well – I can achieve something cool, interesting and that I can earn a living from’. The world of gaming is welcoming and inclusive.
“Learning new skills and creating something you can share with friends and family, such as a game for the Nintendo Switch, gives children a sense of pride that helps build confidence in other areas of life.”
As well as attending workshops, after school clubs or other learning events with FUZE, there is also an active online community where people support each other and share their creations. This helps to extend social skills and confidence for people of any age.
“People get to work at their own pace and implement their own creative ideas which can make a big difference to how long people will persevere something without giving up – which is important to gain a sense of achievement.”
Learning these types of digital skills is both accessible and inclusive – but is also a game-changer when it comes to opening up career opportunities.
What makes FUZE so special?
FUZE is a family-run business with a background in software but a passion for gaming and learning. Jon, CEO, has always been involved in gaming and development in one way or another and is driven by the positive impact the world of gaming has on children and adults. It’s Jon’s personal experience, passion and thirst for understanding tech that make FUZE so perfectly placed to lead in this area of digital skills education.
Jon has grand plans for the future and will be including different types of coding and development workshops including other platforms and The Internet of Things – watch this space!
How can I or my child get access to the FUZE learning?
Jon and his team will be establishing after school computing clubs and smaller grouped ASD coding clubs to help give wider access to this learning for local children as well as other types of workshops.
The FUZE website includes details of public workshops, how to get involved and more information about how to contact FUZE directly.