Here you should be able to find a list of local car boot sales, within 30miles of Thame, Oxfordshire.
The list consists of the names of the sales, their location, their websites and the typical days they are open.

Pricing and dates may change, so it is worth checking their sites before you set off. Especially if there is bad weather, such as heavy rain, wind or storms, as often they will be postponed or cancelled.
Most sales will be open from around April to October, but again each sale will have different rules and formats, so it is worth checking their websites for more information or their social media pages, for up to date information, as it will likely change.

Tetsworth Car Boot
Tetsworth, OX9 7AT (5.2miles)
Every other Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays

Big Betty’s Car Boot Aylesbury
Aylesbury College, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, HP21 8PD (9.1miles)
Every Sunday

Big Ben’s Car Boots
West Wycombe, High Wycombe, HP14 3BA (13.6miles)
Chinnor Road, Bledlow Ridge, HP14 4AA (9.2miles)
Every Sunday and Bank Holidays (Moving to Bledlow late Summer 2023)

Blackthorn Car Boot Sale
Pete’s Paddock Thame Road, B4011, Bicester, OX25 1TE (11.3miles)
Sunday based, check dates

Finmere Car Boot Sale
Finmere Aerodrome, MK18 4AG (23.5miles)
Every Saturday and Bank Holiday Monday

Big Betty’s Car Boot Hemel Hempstead
Pouchen End Lane, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2SG (26.2miles)
Every Saturday

Taplow-Maidenhead Giant Car Boot
987 Bath Road, Taplow, Maidenhead SL6 0NP (26.6miles)
Every Sunday

Denham Giant Car Boot Sale
Denham Court Drive Main, A40, Denham, Uxbridge UB9 5PG (29.6miles)
Every Saturday

Redbourn Car Boot
The Herts Showground, Dunstable Road, Redbourn, Herts, AL3 7PT (30.0miles)
Most Sundays and Bank Holiday Mondays


  • Danielle Spencer

    Oxfordshire resident and helpful active community member, Danielle supports with content creation and social media support. Danielle has a keen interest in promoting community events, animal welfare and positive mental health. Working with from Nov 2021 to June 2024.

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