There are lots of great clubs and groups in Thame and the surrounding areas. From sports clubs to theatre and environmental groups, there is a wide range of interest and social groups to join.
This page will continue to grow with more groups and details coming soon.
If you run a group or club and would like to be listed then please send us your details.
Sports groups and clubs

Thame is a great town for sports clubs!
There are lots of sports clubs for children and adults alike including individual or team sports options. There are also options to please both the competitive and non-competitive sports enthusiasts – or those just wanting to stay fit and meet new people from Thame.
Try out one of these great sports clubs in Thame.
Thame Badminton Club – social and competitive badminton
Thame Tigers Basketball – for members of all ages
Thame Cycling Club – Friendly and socially oriented cycling club
Thame Cricket Club – Men’s, Women’s and Junior cricket
Thame Fencing Club – guest and membership options available
Chinnor Rugby Club – teams for men and women of all ages
Thame Football Partnership – Thame United FC
Thame runners – a friendly mixed ability running club
Thame and Wheatley ramblers – walks of all levels and distances
Thame Swimming Club – a friendly competitive swimming club, affiliated to Swim England.
Thame Tennis Club – all-year-round tennis
Thame Hockey Club – Minis, youth, ladies and men’s hockey
Thame Bowls Club – Bowls for all abilities
Music and Theatre groups

Thame has a vibrant music and theatre event calendar, but there are also lots of great groups to join too.
Many of the music and theatre groups welcome people will a range of skills. Whether you like to act and sing, or you want to be part of the technical, production or front-of-house teams, these groups welcome members of all ages.
Thame Players – The Players Theatre for shows, volunteering or joining the team
Thame Youth Theatre – for children ages 6-18
Thame Choral Society – concerts, workshops and more
Thame Concert Band – Thame’s own community band
Thame pop choir – a fun choir for anyone over age 16
Community and Volunteering groups

Thame has a vibrant volunteering community who do everything from keeping our town clean and tidy to supporting the young, elderly and our environment.
There are also a variety of events in Thame each year including Thame Carnival, Thame Music Festival, Taste of Thame and many more, which couldn’t be run without a team of volunteers.
Check out the groups below, see a full list of who needs volunteers, or come along to a volunteering drop-in session for a chat about which volunteering roles might suit you best.
Cuttlebrook Nature Reserve Volunteers – keep our local nature reserve thriving
Thame Wombles – keeping our town looking amazing through litter picking and other projects
Thame Green Living – help facilitate the 10-year plan for a cleaner, greener Thame
21st Century Thame – helping bring community events and projects to life through fun volunteering and teamwork
Thame Senior Friendship Centre – Supporting parents and grandparents since 1986
Thame and District Twinning Association – visits and fundraising to celebrate our twinning partnerships
Thame Roundtable – responsible for the annual Duck Race and Santa Sleigh among other charity work
Thame Rotary Club – fun and social volunteering group
Thames Valley Air Cadets – an Air, Space and Cyber focused uniformed youth organisation whose purpose is to grow young people’s confidence, self-esteem, leadership skills, teamwork and help them become better citizens. Volunteers wanted to help run and grow our Air Cadet Squadron. Range of roles available to suit your interests and experience: working behind the scenes, as a Leader or as a Charity Trustee.
Interest and social groups

Want to meet people with similar interests to you? Why not join one of these interest groups, or even start your own?
If you know about a club which isn’t listed here then please let us know!
Thame Camera Club – welcomes members of all abilities
Thame Games Club – board games, war games, role-playing games, deck-building card games and more
Thame Belles WI – meet the third Thursday of every month
Thame WI – meet the third Monday of every month