We hope you had some great Coronation celebrations, we heard there were many street parties all over Thame.
Here is a photo of the celebratory street party held in Croft Close.
We love that it is set up for most weathers, lots of bunting, food and the chalk flag on the road is an extra special touch.
Thank you to Lyn Hopwood for sharing!

Window Display Competition
As part of the celebrations, Thame Town Council are holding a window display competition for the Coronation/Taste of Thame.
The windows are to remain decorated until the judging on the 31st of May.
We took a stroll around town, on the sunny evening of Wednesday 17th May 2023 and took some quick snaps.
You can follow the trail too…
Monkey Puzzle Cafe
AGA Thame
Rumsey’s Chocolaterie
Cancer Research UK
Brothers Hair Salon
Cornfield Bakery & Cafe
Specsavers Opticians and Audiologists
Ivan R Cammack Optometrist
Sobell House Charity Shop
The Book House*
Bliss Beauty
Oxfam Charity Shop
What’s Cooking (which sadly had the blinds closed and we couldn’t see much)
*Baban and The Book House were listed on the entrants but I couldn’t see any evidence of the competition and no logo in the window on 17th May 2023, if you have photos of their displays if they have/had one, that would be amazing.
My images were only quick and brief, sadly lots of reflections too, but if you can’t get down to see them before the 31st and haven’t seen them yet, we thought we’d share our amateur shots, so you can enjoy our towns business’ efforts too!
Feel free to let us know your favourite/s and why!
Monkey Puzzle Cafe, Thame

AGA Thame

Rumsey’s Chocolaterie, Thame

Cancer Research UK, Thame

Brothers Hair Salon, Thame
Specsavers Opticians and Audiologists, Thame

Cornfield Bakery & Cafe, Thame

Ivan R Cammack Optometrist, Thame

Sobell House Charity Shop, Thame

Bliss Beauty, Thame

Petcare, Thame

Oxfam Charity Shop, Thame

Some fantastic window displays, good luck to the businesses who are taking part.
The new Mayor’s first call of duty will be to judge the wonderful window displays.
Congratulations to Cllr Adrian Dite who was elected by the Town Council at the Annual Meeting on Tuesday 16 May 2023 as Mayor of Thame for 2023-2024.
We must also congratulate Cllr Andy Gilbert who was elected as Deputy Mayor.