Some fun facts about Easter traditional and some more obscure, I have also created and included a guess the famous rabbit quiz for you all to enjoy too!
- ~ Happy Easter ~

Easter was traditionally celebrated by Christians, with the Friday before Easter Sunday annually observing the commemoration of the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Easter Sunday is believed to be when Jesus rose again to save us from our sins.
Easter Sunday, Pascha or Resurrection Sunday fulls on a different day most years because it is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon, called the Paschal Full Moon on the Spring Equinox between March 22nd and April 25th.
Easter Flower

Although in the UK we see daffodils flourishing around Easter time and bunches of beautiful, pastel tone Tulips, the traditional flower of Easter is the white lily which symbolises divinity, purity and hope.
Easter luck

Traditionally it is believed wearing new clothes on Easter will bring you Good Luck throughout the year.
Although doing housework on Good Friday will bring bad luck to your family.
Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny came from German folklore as the Osterhase, meaning the Easter Hare.
The hare would lay a nest of coloured eggs for good children at the start of the season of Eastertide, only well behaved children would recieve chocolate eggs.
The hare is a Pagan Goddess of Spring and Fertility and so with acceptance by Christianity, the Easter Bunny was created.
– Just to clarify, Generally bunny rabbits do not lay eggs hehe.
Easter Bunny Quiz

Easter Cuckoo

Not every country uses the Easter Bunny as a tradition, in Switzerland it is the cuckoo that delivers the Easter eggs to the well behaved children.
This comes from the cuckoo bird in nature, being known for laying their eggs in other bird’s nests.
Answers are listed below for the Easter Bunny Quiz, Can you name the Famous Rabbits? above.
Do not scroll any further if you do not wish to see the answers yet.
- Buster Baxter (From Children’s cartoon, Arthur)
- Thumper (From Bambi)
- Officer Judy Hopps (From Zootropolis, 2016 film)
- Rabbit (From Winnie the Pooh)
- Bugs Bunny (By the Warner Bros)
- Snowball (The Secret Life of Pets, 2016 film)
- Duracell Bunny (Duracell Mascot)
- E.B (From HOP, 2011 film)
- Peter Rabbit (The Tale of Peter Rabbit book)
- Lindt Bunny (Chocolate bunny by Lindt)
- Roger Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, 1988 film)