If you live in an older house, of which there are many in Thame, then it’s possible you have a traditional gravity-fed hot and cold water system – including header tanks. Header tanks are the water tanks you usually find up in your loft. These tanks contain cold water which feeds directly into your hot water cylinder and sometimes feed your cold taps in the bathroom and toilets.

If these tanks are not properly maintained, then Legionnaires’ disease is a real risk within your home.
Tanks in the loft can easily slip our minds when it comes to home maintenance – even though there’s a risk that contamination of your water can make you sick. And if you have a water leak, then the damage to your property could land you with a costly repair.
Keeping your water clean and safe through tank care
Aside from the obvious reasons to maintain your header tank, there are significant health benefits to ensuring the tank is kept clean. As we know, loft areas often act as a warm and safe space for rats, mice, squirrels, birds, bees, wasps and many other creatures.
And what do these animals need other than food and warmth while in your loft? Water!
If your header tank does not have a fully fitted lid which is fitted securely, then your loft visitors can fall into the tank and cause nasty contamination.
There are several waterborne bacteria e.g. Legionnaires’ disease which can cause harm to humans if they are exposed.
Legionella bacteria (which is the bacteria that causes legionnaires’ disease needs 3 things to grow:
- Warm water
- Nutrient (scale, sludge, or organic matter)
- Stagnation (water that does not move).
If anyone of these applies, then Legionella bacteria can grow, and potential infect your water system.
What is Legionnaire’s disease?
Legionellosis is a collective term for diseases caused by legionella bacteria including the most serious Legionnaires’ disease, as well as the similar but less serious conditions of Pontiac fever and Lochgoilhead fever. Legionnaires’ disease is a potentially fatal form of pneumonia, and everyone is susceptible to infection.

The risk increases with age, but some people are at higher risk including:
- People over 45 years of age
- Smokers and heavy drinkers
- People suffering from chronic respiratory or kidney disease
- Diabetes, lung, and heart disease
- Anyone with an impaired immune system
How do people contract Legionnaires’ disease?
People contract Legionnaires’ disease by inhaling small droplets of water (aerosols), suspended in the air, containing the bacteria. Certain conditions increase the risk from legionella if:
- The water temperature in all or some parts of the system may be between 20-45 °C, which is suitable for growth
- It is possible for breathable water droplets to be created and dispersed e.g. aerosol created by a cooling tower, or water outlets
- Water is stored and/or re-circulated
- There are deposits that can support bacterial growth providing a source of nutrients for the organism e.g., rust, sludge, scale, organic matter, and biofilms
How to improve your water tank safety at home
Visual tank inspections you can do yourself
If you’re able to check your tank yourself, then these are the things to check for:
- Is there a secure and fully fitted lid with air vent and overflow pipe?
- Is the insulation is good condition
- Is there any sign of animal activity?
Need help from an expert?
Unable to get up into your loft to check your tank? Or do you have other questions about water safety in your home (or business)? As an experienced water hygiene expert based just outside Thame I’d love to help you. I’m offering anyone living in or around Thame a free initial consultation. Just give me a call. Visit my website for contact details and more information.