Please note there have been fairly recent changes to parking in Thame, some now requiring parking permits.
Various parking restrictions have changed, please always check the parking regulations before parking and leaving your vehicle parked somewhere. North Street in Thame is one of the roads where new parking restrictions apply.

New sign explained:
Residents can apply and pay for a TH parking permit meaning they can park there when they want to, for as long as they want to, as long as it is in accordance with the highway code/parking rules of course.
Anyone can park there, but on weekdays (Mondays to Fridays) and on Saturdays between the hours of 8am to 6pm can only park there for 2 hours maximum, at a time and are not allowed to return within 1 hour.
Each eligible applicant is entitled to one residential parking permit.
You cannot have more than one permit in your name.
There is a maximum of two resident permits per property in the following zones.
In some cases, other restrictions may apply.
You’ll get a free allocation of visitors’ parking permits with your resident’s parking permit unless you already got a set in the current permit year.
Blue Badge holders displaying a valid badge do not need a resident’s parking permit.
Not all properties are eligible for permits, and other restrictions may apply, so please double check you and your house is eligible before you apply.
Please take note and remember which prefix you have permits for, before parking in a permit required bay. Here are some of the areas prefixes:
AB – Abingdon
BC – Bicester
DT – Didcot
HL – Henley on Thames
RR – Reading Road
TH – Thame
WL – Wallingford
Permits can now be obtained online, so you shouldn’t need to display a paper permit.
Civil enforcement officers should be carrying a device which will notify them of which vehicles with or without parking permits. Those that do not comply with the rules can be given a penalty charge notice.
You can get more information on the Oxfordshire Government website:
Up to date costs of permits for different zones/areas are listed in the following link: