Come and sing in aid of Sharing Life Trust & Wycombe Homeless Connection
Date(s) - 15/09/2018
9:45 am - 10:00 pm
The repertoire to be learned and performed covers a wide variety of songs – from Mozart via the Beatles, Leonard Cohen and Bob Dylan to folksongs and songs from the shows, and there should be something for everyone to enjoy. The day will be led by Helen Swift, an inspirational and highly experienced musical director currently of three choirs, Towcester Choral Society, Thame Choral Society and Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir.
Sheet music will be provided, but those who don’t read music will be able to learn and participate fully through Helen’s experience as a teacher.
9.45 a.m. with registration and refreshments, and concludes with a concert in St. Mary’s Thame at 7.30 p.m.
The cost of participating in the whole day is £20, and tickets for friends and family for the concert will be £10.
More information and booking via