THAME is a thriving community. From youth groups to churches and schools to drama clubs, there is something for everyone to get involved with. Find a club or group HERE
Thame and District Citizens Advice Bureau
Market House, North Street, Thame, OX9 3HH
Monday, Thursday, Friday – 9.30am – 4.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday – 9.30am – 1.00pm
Adviceline telephone number: 03444 111 444
email: thamecab@cabnet.org.uk
Help at the heart of your community
THAME is a great place to do business in and has several thriving Business Groups
THAME has a very active town partnership, 21st Century Thame, which was set up to facilitate projects which enhance the town for residents, businesses and visitors alike.

A view of Thame looking towards the town hall and the historic Bird Cage pub
The Partnership has facilitated projects such as The Blue Plaques scheme, the town’s Loyalty Scheme, and the production of many downloadable and printed leaflets and guides such as walking and cycling maps, shopping guides, eating and drinking guides etc.
LOST CAT : Please help! Our cat Tilly , a dark brown tortoiseshell, has gon e missing from Croft Close this morning! She is a house cat and so not used to the big outdoors; she only arrived here yesterday so us not familiar with the area: if anyone sees her or finds her please contact me Sandra on 07989 965 298
Thank you
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