A dedicated web page for young people, including gig guides, news and information relevant to young people:
Send YOUR news, music video links and views to: editor@thame.net
or Call: 07792487030
THAME Youth Café is a completely free club for young people in school years 7-9 (aged 11-14), and meets every Wednesday in term time from 3-5pm. We meet at Christchurch on Thame High Street.
We run a range of activities each week, offer refreshments and a safe welcoming place for the young people of Thame.
If you’re the parent of a young person, or know of any young people who fit the age range, then please do pass the details along & let them know. We would love to see them there. For more information have a look at our website:
Bear on a Bicycle – a collective of local bands, solo artists, photographers, artists, poets, and filmmakers
FOR information about young people and benefits, go to the Citizens Advice microsite www.advice4me.org.uk which contains information and advice just for young people about the problems that concern them the most.
Parents may also be entitled to help. They can get free, confidential information and advice on this from their local Citizens Advice Bureau ? see www.adviceguide.org.uk for contact details.
CAB adviceline 08 444 111 444 or 0300 3300 650(mobile)
Your local CAB is in Market Square, Thame
Mobile drop-in service (SMART) available to speak to in confidence about drug and alcohol use, based in the Cattle market car park on a Monday between 2-4pm
Live, open music nights in Thame

Strings Attached, popular regulars at FTMC
The First Thursday Music Club runs, obviously, on the first Thursday of every month, at The Stables, behind The James Figg pub, in Cornmarket, Thame.
See the website for details and how to get involved
Don’t forget there are two other good open mic nights in the area too:
Last Thursday of every month at the Three Horseshoes pub in Towersey
First Saturday of every month in the Wheatsheaf in Chinnor
THAME Youth Theatre has launched a new dance group on Tuesday evenings – SEE WEBSITE
Thame youth Memorial
Latest Youth Memorial news:
THAME Youth Memorial – Was officially opened on September 29, 2013, by the Mayor of Thame, Peter Lambert;
Follow Thame Youth Memorial’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ThameYouthMemorial?hc_location=timeline
Twitter: @ThameYouthMemor
Appeal for support for ‘Free Running’ in Thame
TWO young Thame men are trying to gain support for a sport that involves jumping, leaping and acrobatic moves to travel around the town.
Free Running, as its know, or Parkour, the original name for this discipline with French origins, has had a bad press but Robert Fairweather and his friends believe that it can build self-confidence, respect, fitness and creativity in young people.
They have approached the town council and the local police about providing a Parkour park in Thame, where they and other young people can train and learn the skills to do Free Running safely and effectively.
Rob Faithweather says: “We have approached the local police about Free Running in Thame but they say that it would encourage anti-social behaviour with groups of young people hanging around, that someone not participating could get hurt and that there could be damage to property.
“We understand these concerns but the idea is that people are properly taught to chose benches etc that are sturdy and to do the moves in a safe as well as an aesthetic way. Why would we want to damage our urban playground and ruin our own fun?
“Proper Free Running is nothing to do with people jumping across roof spaces and getting injured as seen on TV. Its all about knowing your limits, moving in an aesthetically pleasing manner by flipping over obstacles etc, and importantly, what we do is spend a large amount of time training to prepare our bodies for the physical rigours of the activity before venturing onto the streets.”
Free Running already takes place all over the world, including London, Mexico and Austria as will as other places in the UK including in Leicester, Salisbury and Bristol, where the local community police officer helped to set up training facilities.
Rob explained that he has been told by Thame Town Council that if he can show that there is sufficient support and they come up with a business plan, the town council would look into supporting the setting up a Parkour Park.
Find out more about Free Running, by visiting LINK
CONNEXIONS in South Oxfordshire has recently opened a ?drop-in? service at Thame Town Hall each Wednesdays 2pm – 4.30pm. Connexions can help young people between 16 and 19 years of age with:
· job hunting support
· careers information, advice and guidance
· CV building
· advice on other matters such as finance, housing and general health.
If you need support, Connexions would love to see you!